Under the leadership of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce, Support for the Development of International Competitiveness (UR-GE) projects continue with the shoe and shoe sub-industry sector. With the abolishment of the restrictions in the UR-GE project, which started under the pandemic conditions, the activites in abroad had been given a start. 25 companies in the cluster started their activities in the USA which they consider as an opportune location in the foreign market.
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce continues to prepare its members for the global competition and introduce them to the foreign markets. ICOC supports and manages the Development of International Competitiveness (UR-GE) project which is organised by the Ministry of Commerce and it enables sectors operating in the same business line to be clustered and opened to the foreign markets. ICOC UR-GE Project, started with the leather industry in 2015, continues with the shoe and shoe sub-industry sector. The project had been developed for the shoe industry and it broke a record with the export of 328 million dollars in the first quarter of the year, to continue online under the pandemic conditions. With the ease of the pandemic conditions, the project started the operations in abroad. The 25 companies within the project cluster initially started their operations in the USA.
The project, supported by the Ministry of Commerce, provided high-standard training-consulting services to participants who are 25 ICOC member companies that operate in the shoe and footwear sub-industry.The participant companies went through a comprehensive training process in line with the need analysis. The companies, which received training on developing export-oriented marketing and sales skills, came together at the ICOC for the first face-to-face meeting after the pandemic and exchanged ideas about their overseas organizations. The target of the cluster is the USA, which is one of the important countries for the sector. 75 percent of the activities to be organized in line with this goal are supported by the Ministry of Commerce.
The cosmetics sector has recently been added to the range of UR-GE projects and Ministry of Commerce officially approved the new addition.
Istanbul Chamber of Commerce continues to prepare its members for the global competition and introduce them to the foreign markets. ICOC supports and manages the Development of International Competitiveness (UR-GE) project which is organised by the Ministry of Commerce and it enables sectors operating in the same business line to be clustered and opened to the foreign markets. ICOC UR-GE Project, started with the leather industry in 2015, continues with the shoe and shoe sub-industry sector. The project had been developed for the shoe industry and it broke a record with the export of 328 million dollars in the first quarter of the year, to continue online under the pandemic conditions. With the ease of the pandemic conditions, the project started the operations in abroad. The 25 companies within the project cluster initially started their operations in the USA.
The project, supported by the Ministry of Commerce, provided high-standard training-consulting services to participants who are 25 ICOC member companies that operate in the shoe and footwear sub-industry.The participant companies went through a comprehensive training process in line with the need analysis. The companies, which received training on developing export-oriented marketing and sales skills, came together at the ICOC for the first face-to-face meeting after the pandemic and exchanged ideas about their overseas organizations. The target of the cluster is the USA, which is one of the important countries for the sector. 75 percent of the activities to be organized in line with this goal are supported by the Ministry of Commerce.
The cosmetics sector has recently been added to the range of UR-GE projects and Ministry of Commerce officially approved the new addition.
- ICOC pre-finances it.
- Bureaucratic processes, documentation and reporting works are all carried out by the ICOC secretariat.
- The projects that include a cluster-specific setup and special activities according to the structure and needs of cluster companies are implemented.
- The firms are able to participate only in the activites they like.
- The firms can participate in the project on the long term basis and are provided with project follow-up services
- During the project, the firms are able to operate within a joint action plan. They can participate in the B2B commercial activites on the common platforms.
- Footwear industry
- Underwear industry
- Leather, fur, leather goods industries